
Evaluation, Measurement, Implementation and Adaptability

In this module, you will explore the data you need to track, methods of measuring the impact of your programs, tips for reporting to key stakeholders and variables you may need to consider in applying the Long-Term Healing Model in your community.

Module 3 provides "Roadmap Charting" to help you evaluate and measure your programs. Where a page contains “Roadmap Charting”, click update to save your information before moving to the next page.

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Tracking and Measuring Impact

Metrics: Measurable demonstration of your impact by the numbers

Mixed-methods approaches
Those that combine qualitative data (testimonials, anecdotes and open ended questions) with quantitative data (metrics, percentages and numbers) are the most effective in reporting accurate outcomes.

Surveys, Needs Assessments, Program Evaluations, Forms, Psychological Measures, Family Advisory Board

Data to track
Attendance, Well being, Testimonials, Demographics, Public opinion, Funding & donations, Stakeholder feedback

Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce, Survey Monkey, Grant SQL, Excel, Pro bono options, among others


Charting Your Long-Term Healing Roadmap

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Testimonials are valuable tools for program evaluation and communicating impact.

Testimonials are also a great complement to metrics demonstrating the impact of a program or of an entire organization.

Testimonials should:

  1. be obtained and used with the participant’s consent
  2. demonstrate program and organizational impact
  3. be concise and poignant
  4. highlight specific aspects of program/organization’s mandate

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluations are an essential tool for charting performance and determining any needed improvements. Program evaluations should be used to:

  1. Record demographic information from respondents.
  2. Highlight successful and unsuccessful aspects of the program.
  3. Allow for respondents to share recommendations for program improvement.
  4. Use streamlined metrics to measure program success.

Tuesday's Children's Experience

Tuesday’s Children has conducted surveys of the families in our service population to determine the impact of our programs on individual and family well being. We conducted surveys in 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2016.

Family surveys, represented in the chart below, showed 48% of 9/11 families were struggling or getting worse in 2005 compared to 2014, 10 years after 9/11, where it had decreased to approximately 25% of all families surveyed and 73% of families rated their well being as excellent or getting better. The 15th anniversary carried with it significant reminders of trauma and loss.

Program Impact on Well Being Survey Results 2005-2016:

For examples of other survey, measurement and performance data, click here.

Evaluation and Reporting

Evaluation and Reporting are closely linked

Determine areas for improvement.

  1. Pre, during and post-program evaluations
  2. Annual to bi-annual surveys
  3. Monthly/weekly internal team meetings
  4. Visioning and strategic planning meetings every 2-3 years

Show outcomes and future plans.

  1. Monthly, quarterly and annual reports
  2. Meet requirements of funders
  3. Review progress with internal teams and advisory boards
  4. Ensure transparency


Charting Your Long-Term Healing Roadmap

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Charting Your Long-Term Healing Roadmap

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How does this model fit?

The Long-Term Healing Model is not a template that needs to be followed exactly. It is not one size fits all, particularly in communities where there are significant variables in culture or language, which may mean completely different perceptions of healing and recovery, or variations in the impact of the particular tragedy and thus the community needs to which you are responding. Examine these variables in order to mold and shape your optimal community response and programming. It is universally important to focus on creating trust and building long-term support.

Click the arrow for insight on our lessons learned.

Examine, Adapt, Adjust, Evolve, Improve

  1. Identify variables specific to your community and its needs.
  2. Determine any adjustments and changes needed (e.g. cultural considerations, language, format, outreach methods, frequency, length, content of programs.)
  3. Focus on creating trust and building long-term support.

There are many variables when evaluating and assessing community needs. However, we have learned the following universal lessons apply in all communities needing long-term healing:


Long-term commitment — understanding this traumatic event will likely have a lifelong impact on children and families.


A broad, community-based approach to outreach and service delivery, incorporating non-traditional models of engagement and bringing services directly to families in their communities.


A needs-based approach to evaluating, adapting and evolving programs and services, including ongoing individual, family and community needs assessments.


Evidence-based services that build resilience, including mental health counseling, family programs, workshops, mentoring, wellness programs, enrichment and skills development adapted to the population’s specific needs.


Carefully selected program partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our mission, respect the needs of our families and fulfill a specific purpose.


Family involvement and feedback at all stages of organizational development, program development, evaluation and outreach.


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Our Core Values in Evaluation and Measurement

We want to encourage you to use the same best practices we value, which are to:


Continually request feedback from your constituents to inform program development.

  • Keep current with your service population, partners and funders.
  • Continually assess and reassess needs.
  • Determine necessary program adaptations.
  • Explore possible expansions.
  • Know when programs need to sunset.


Keep the promise, understand the promises you are making and what you can and can’t do.

  • Stay true to your mission.
  • Understand what short- and long-term promises you are making.
  • Embrace growth, but do not lose sight of your initial purpose and vision.


Share your knowledge—we see this as a moral obligation to ensure other communities are connected to necessary supports.

  • Share your outcomes and accomplishments.
  • Contribute to the knowledge base of community long-term healing.
  • Assist other communities who can learn from your experience.


Charting Your Long-Term Healing Roadmap

Request feedback. How often will you check in with your constituents?

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Charting Your Long-Term Healing Roadmap

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Tuesday's Children's Successful Expansions

Tuesday’s Children has successfully expanded over the years to stay relevant and to respond to the needs of the communities with which we work. We have engaged with difficult-to-reach populations, many of which would be unlikely to access services due to the trauma and grief they have experienced.

Tuesday’s Children has been able to do this largely because our Model focuses on initially building trust and continually assessing need, which is important for anyone seeking to provide long-term support after tragedy.

In considering how our model applies to other events, Tuesday’s Children developed a definition of tragedy that defines the types of events to which we would respond.

  • 2001

  • 2006

  • 2008

  • 2013


Bereaved 9/11 Families


Bereaved 9/11 Families

9/11 Responder Families


Bereaved 9/11 Families

9/11 Responder Families

International Youth and Global Victims of Terrorism


Bereaved 9/11 Families

9/11 Responder Families

International Youth and Global Victims of Terrorism

Communities Impacted by Mass Shootings and Domestic Terrorism

Definition of Tragedy


(noun) An event or occurrence that has a longitudinal impact causing profound loss, emotional or physical wounds, suffering or devastation in a local or global community, often resulting in multiple deaths and warranting long-term, needs-based, family-focused services to promote healing, build resilience, eliminate isolation and create common bonds.

Working with Global Victims of Terrorism

  1. Since 2000, over 61,000 global terrorist incidents have caused more than 140,000. deaths
  2. The frequency of domestic terrorism is increasing. FBI data shows that mass killings happen approximately every two weeks in the United States.

Project COMMON BOND has created a global community of over 550 teenagers and young adults from 25 countries to build relationships across cultural, historical, ideological, and political differences.

An integral component of the program is our Long-Term Healing Model training for organizational leaders from our participant countries, who chaperone our international participants. The curriculum is very focused on peacebuilding and conflict resolution and fostering post-traumatic growth. This is one of the vehicles through which Tuesday’s Children has been delivering the Long-Term Healing Model content and validating it through cross-cultural perspectives. As the program grows, this work will expand.

Expanding to other communities impacted by tragedies

Case Study: Resiliency Center of Newtown

The Resiliency Center of Newtown, CT, was initially founded as a program of Tuesday’s Children in response to the Newtown-Sandy Hook tragedy. The Resiliency Center opened in September 2013 and is now a standalone nonprofit organization, which has provided services to over 2,000 members of the community.

For this population, there were many things that needed to be adapted:

  1. The nature of the loss was very different.
  2. The population was very different.
  3. The community was much smaller, rural and very insular.
  4. The population consisted of parents who lost young children, other children at Sandy Hook and neighboring schools who were severely traumatized, including teachers, administrative staff and responders who witnessed horrible events.
  5. The staff at the Resiliency Center came into the partnership with Tuesday’s Children with extensive mental health and trauma backgrounds and created a range of supportive therapies and through community resources now offer a range of other programs to address trauma and community needs.
  6. While many support organizations and services formed after the Sandy Hook mass shooting, the Resiliency Center has now become the most trusted provider of community support services to those impacted by this tragedy.

Expanding to Serve Military

  1. Over 2.7 million troops deployed since 9/11. More than 18,000 US military deaths since 2001
  2. Some 60% of children who lost an active-duty military parents are under age 12, and 27% are under age 5
  3. The annual household income of 63% of surviving families is less than $50,000 (below the US median)*

*Sources: Department of Defense 2014 Personnel Reports. “Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) U.S. Casualty Status” American Forces Press Service. United States Department of Defense, 18 January 2013. National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics, 2014. United War Veterans Council, 2014. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2013. Society of Military Widows, 2016. Lucas Group/Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation, 2014. U.S. Census Bureau, 2014.


Mission Alignment
Our Long-Term Healing Model readily lends itself to the needs of military families

A 2012 Morgan Stanley study determined Tuesday’s Children should expand to serve military populations

Past Successful Expansions
Prior success expanding to responders, international youth and other communities

Identified Gap in Services
Our family-focused community- based services fill a gap in current services for military families

Signature Programs
Existing needs-based and evidence- based programs can already accommodate military families

Mission Alignment

Expansion to Wounded and Fallen Military Families is aligned with Tuesday’s Children’s mission due to their common bonds with 9/11 and Responder families.

Our Long-Term Healing Model readily lends itself as a guide to facilitate this expansion.

Programs for Military Populations

Serving Military Families of the Fallen

Project Heart to Heart
Weekend retreats uniting military widows with 9/11 widows to share support and form lasting friendships

Life Management Programs
Skill development workshops and resources to assist Military Families of the Fallen

Career Resource Center
Career and college resources to children of military and surviving spouses

Family Engagement
Connecting military families to a nurturing community of families with common bonds

Take Our Children to Work Day
Career shadow days to children of fallen military service members

Cross-cultural connections with teenager and young adults from around the world impacted by terrorism, violent extremism and war


You have completed Module 3: Evaluation, Measurement, Implementation and Adaptability.

You are now ready to assess the types of information you need from your community, how to outreach effectively and how to track your performance.

To get started, click "Access Your Roadmap".